Prayer books of anne of brittany

The carefully designed prayer book was commissioned by anne of brittany, wife of two successive kings of france, charles viii and louis xii and thus twice queen of france, for herself and her son charlesorland. There is a donor portrait of anne at prayer, presented by her patron saints to the dead christ held by the virgin mary in a pieta on the facing page. The book fascinates in its rich illustration and its 34 airy, light flooded. Marguerites book lists the various breton saints, and contains a prayer in hope of a son to be born to marguerite and francis with the. The folios of this codex feature veritable paintings rather than the miniatures usual in this type of book. Anna breizh 2526 january 1477 9 january 1514 was duchess of brittany from 1488 until her death, and queen consort of france from 1491 to 1498 and from 1499 to her death. It was more like a place of prayer echoing the piety of the lady who ordered its. Anne of brittany at prayer presented by three female. The prayer book of anne of brittany, dedicated to the consort of two french kings in a row and famous art patron and collector, is an extremely impressive. Annes prayer book paperback january 1, 1957 by eugene lefebvre author see all formats and editions hide other formats and editions.

It has been described by john harthan as one of the most magnificent books of hours ever made, and is now in the. The great hours of anne of brittany is undoubtedly a masterpiece of french painting, as is fitting for a manuscript intended for someone who was twice queen of france. Jean bourdichon painted almost fifty fullpage scenes with gold frames upon a. It was made in tours from 1492 to 1495 and is now preserved in the pierpont morg. During the italian wars, anne also became queen consort of naples, from 1501 to 1504, and duchess. She is the only woman to have been queen consort of france twice. This small book was both for anne s personal use and also for the religious education of her son, the dauphin of france. The second miniature in our manuscript, surrounded by a plain, flat, gold frame, depicts the queen kneeling on a lavish damask or rich, deeppile burgundy brocade hassock ending in gold tassels alongside a kneeler upholstered in the same fabric, i. In the royal castle of loches, the character of anne of brittany, duchess and queen. It was made in tours from 1492 to 1495 and is now preserved in the pierpont morgan library, new york.

The great hours of anne of brittany folder comes accompanied by a booklet, with detailed explanations of each print. Anne of brittany at prayer presented by three female saints, f. A 19th century copy 1848 of the book of hours ordered by queen anne of. Anne s maternal greatgrandfather, john ii king of navarre and aragon, was also katherine of aragons grandfather. Newberry digital exhibitions prayer book of anne of brittany. The carefully designed prayer book was commissioned by anne of brittany, wife of two successive kings of france, charles viii and louis xii and thus twice.

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